Sunday 21 August 2016

Class Exercise B

The Torch of freedom

Background of this poster:
In 1920s, there was a campaign called ‘The Torch of Freedom’, which designed to encourage women’s smoking by exploiting women's aspirations for a better life during the women’s liberation movement in the United States. Cigarettes were described as symbols of emancipation and equality with men. It was a very successful PR campaign organized by Cigarettes organizations. And this poster was one among those in the campaign.

It is definitely an old and aged poster by first look. The Phase ‘An Ancient Prejudice Has Been Removed’ seems interesting and very eye attracting. The layout is very clear. From quick look people should be able to tell that this poster is about feminism movement.


The poster contains a few Key features: a lady, a cigarette brand, clear headlines showing attitude, key messages. It is not hard to guess that it is actually an advertisement poster. Its background chooses a peaceful green color, and the cigarette image is pretty outstanding.

Analysis and interpretation:
One of the key surface message of this poster is Feminism. It emphasize on the right and empowerment of women. Female should not live and prejudice, they should enjoy the freedom of smoking as well. 

The poster is also sexualized as it is targeting at women market. The female figure dressed conservatively, which also shows the clothing freedom of women.  
Evaluation and judgment:

I believe this poster is rather successful (during that period of time), because women are constrained by their traditional roles-signify a sense of freedom and breaking free from their traditional roles. Since the objective is promoting cigarettes brand, in this aspect, linking feminism with smoking is a very clever way of maintain good public relationship.

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