Sunday 9 October 2016

Homework - during wk 7

People People People
Pain Pain Pain
Change Change Change

The most eye catching part is the text 'pain'. 
The black and white texts forms a good construction with the color crowd and the astronaut 


There are many repetitions for the word - 'pain'.
Pain Pain Pain Pain Pain
And among the word pain, you can also see the 4 words of 'change', and 2 rolls of 'people'
Below the 2 rolls of people, there is a crowd . 
An astronaut is flying away from the crowd with balloons.

Analysis and interpretation:
The idea I want to express is 'life and people may bring pains, but we always can make a change.'
Just like how the astronaut fly away with his planet balloons. If anything painful happened, we do not have to feel desperate or hopeless. We can always make a change. 

Evaluation and judgment:
The techniques I used are scale, repetition and deconstruction. 
I enlarged the balloons on the astronaut, to create lightening the visual effect. With a bigger balloon, we feel that the astronaut is like flying. 
Repetition of the word 'pain' also creates an emphasize and overwhelming effect of the painful reality. I feel this part is specifically attracting. 
Deconstruction is used in the crowd. How people are presented as a group and as an individual is interesting. 

The Original Sources

The Process :p

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