Sunday 9 October 2016

Stencil Art and Paper Art

cut the black


I find quite it was quite difficult to find a good image for stencil art. By looking at the image, I can hardly think what will the product look like. I tried many times and finally I have found this image of Lily flower. 

I look at it, and I have an idea of how am I going to create stencil art from it. 

Firstly is the outline, After the line exercise, it is not difficult to get a good outline. And I found It is very interesting to decide which part I should left blank and which part I should fill with black. 

So you can see my outcome, and it is quite obvious that this is a lily flower. Congrats to myself :)

cut the white


Now let's see my paper art. I choice a butterfuly because after taking look at so many photos, only this picture can provide me a imageination of the outcome. 

The contrast of the original source is very strong. I think that's why it is not difficult to turn it into a paper art. 

The outcome looks pretty and I like it a lot :)

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